Disease not covered under Integrated disease surveillance project (IDSP) is ?
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Herpes zoster
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Herpes zoster Integrated disease surveillance project (IDSP) IDSP is a decentralized state based surveillance system intended to detect early warning signals of impending outbreaks and helps initiate an effective response in a timely manner in urban and rural areas. It will also provide essential data to monitor progress of on-going disease control programme and help allocate health resources more efficiently. It is a 5 years project and was launched in November 2004. The core conditions under surveillance in IDSP are: A. Regular Surveillance Vector borne disease -p Malaria Water borne disease -3 Acute diarrheal disease (cholera), Typhoid Respiratory disease- TB Vaccine preventable disease Measles Disease under eradication- Polio Other conditions - Road traffic accidents Other inernational commitments Plague Unusual clinical syndromes Men ingoencephalitis, Respiratory distress, hemorrhagic fever B. Sentinel surveillance STD/blood borne disease -p HIV/HBV, HCV, water quality monitoring Other conditions- Outdoor air quality C. Regular periodic surveys NCD risk factors - Anthropometry, Physical activity, BP, tobacco, nutrition D. Additional state priorities Each state may identify up to five additional conditions for surveillance. These are (above described) are the conditions (diseases) which are under surveillance in IDSP. There are some clinical syndrome under surveillance in IDSP to pick up all priority diseases listed in regular surveillance (above) Fever with or without localizing signs: Malaria, Typhoid, JE, Dengue, Measles Cough more than 3 weeks: TB Acute fluccid paralysis: Polio Diarrhea: Cholera Jaundice: Hepatitis, leptospirosis, Dengue, Malaria, Yellow fever Unusual syndromes: Antrax, plague, emerging epidemics.
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