Deltoid ligament is attached to all, Except:
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Medial cuneiform
Medial cuneiform The ankle or the talocrural joint has 2 ligaments: the medial collateral (or deltoid ligament) and the lateral collateralligamentMedial collateral ligament (or deltoid ligament)It consists of two sets of fibres, superficial and deep. Both pas have a common attachment above to the apex and margins of the medial malleolus. The lower attachment is indicated by the name of the fibres.Superficial fibresOf the superficial fibres,- The most anterior (tibionavicular) fibres pass forward to be inseed into the tuberosity of the navicular bone, and immediately behind this they blend with the medial margin of the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament);- The middle (tibiocalcaneal) fibres descend almost perpendicularly to be inseed into the whole length of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneum;- The posterior fibres (posterior tibiotalar) pass backward and laterally to be attached to the medial side of the talus, and its medial tubercleDeep fibres- The deep fibres (anterior tibiotalar) are attached to the anterior pa of medial surface of the talus. The deltoid ligament is crossed by the tendons of the Tibialis posterior and Flexor digitorum longus.Lateral collateral ligamentThe lateral ligament has 3 discrete bands or pas:The anterior talofibular ligament- extends anteromedially from the anterior margin of the fibular malleolus to the neck of the talus.The posterior talofibular ligament- extends almost horizontally from the lateral malleolar fossa to the lateral tubercle of the talusThe calcaneofibular ligament - is a long cord which passes from a depression anterior to the apex of the fibular malleolus to a tubercle on the lateral calcaneal surface. It is crossed by the tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis.The above attachments of the two ligaments of the ankle joint could be simplified as:The medial collateral or deltoid ligament passes from the medial malleolus (tibia) to the talus, calcaneum, navicular and the spring ligament.The lateral collateral ligament passes from the lateral malleolus (fibula) to the talus and calcaneum.
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