Commonest histoloical finding in Benign Hypeension is:
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Hyaline aeriosclerosis
Answer is C (Hyaline Aeriosclerosis) : The charachteristic histological finding in Benign Hypeension is Hyaline aeriosclerosis Benign Nephrosclerosis This term is used to describe the changes in kidney associated with associated with benign phase of hypeension malignant or accelerated hypeension Kidney size is either normalQ or may be moderately reducedQ Grain leather appearanceQThe coical surface has a fine even granularity Kidney size is variableQ May be smaller in size() (when superimposed on benign nephrosclerosis) or Larger in size (enlarged)Q than normal (patients who develop malignant hypeension in pure form) Flea bitten appearanceQ: The coical surface may show multiple small peticheal haemorrhagesQ from rupture of aerioles or glomerular capillaries. Microscopic (Vascular Changes & Parenchymal Changes) Hyaline AeriosclerosisQ Narrowing of the lumens of aerioles and small aeries caused by thickenning and hyalnization of the walls Fibroelastic HyperplasiaQ: in the intima (intimal thickenningQ, duplication of elastic lamina and hyperophy of the 'media' Parenchymal changes (due to ischaemic) Variable degree of Atrophy of parenchyma due to ischaemia Microscopic (Vascular Changes & Parenchymal Changes) Fibrinoid necrosis of aeriolesQ (Necrotizing aeriolitisQ The vessel wall shows fibrinoid necrosis. Represents an acute event and necrosis is usually not accompanied by intense inflammation Hyperplastic intimal sclerosisQ Onion -- SkinningQ Concentric laminae of proliferated smooth muscle cells, collagen and basement membrane (producing intimal thickenning) Parenchymal changes (due to ischaemia) Variable degree of atrophy ofparanchyma due to ischaemia. Infarction necrosis distal to abnormal vessels may be seen
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