Charcot’s triad:
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Abdominal Pain, fever, jaundice
Ans: A (Adbominal Pain, Fever, Jaundice) Ref: Bailey anti Love's Short Practice of Surgery 25th Edition, Robbins Pathology 8th ed, Nelson Pediatrics 19th ed, Harrison Principles of internal medicine, 18th ed,Explanation:Charcot's TriadSeen in cholangitisPainJaundiceFeverFew important triads in medicineSaint's TriadDiverticulosisGall stonesHiatus herniaWhipple's triadSeen in Insulinoma (most common functioning tumor of the endocrine pancreas)FasHng-induced neuroglvopenic symptoms of hypoglycemia (diaphoresis, shaking, mental confusion, obtundation, and seizures)Low blood glucose levels (40 to 50 mg/dl)Relief of symptoms after the administration of glucose.Beck's TriadSeen in Cardiac TamponadeHypotensionSoft or absent heart soundsJugular venous distention (increased JVP)Murphy's TriadSeen in Acute appendicitisPain FeverVomiting Madder's triadSeen in Boerhaave's syndromePainVomiting andSubcutaneous emphysemaSandbolnrs triadSeen in HemobiliaPainjaundiceHematemesisChiari triadSeen in Aorto enteric listulaMidthoracic painSentinel arterial hemorrahageExsanguinationVirchow's triadAbnormalities that lead to thrombus formationEndotheli al i nj u ryStasis or turbulent blood flowHypercoagulability of the bloodCurrarino triadAnorectal malformations (ectopic anus, anal stenosis, imperforate anus)Sacral bone anomalies (hypoplasia, poor segmentation)Presacral anomaly (anterior meningoceles, teratoma, cyst)Female athlete triadDisordered eatingAmenorrheaOsteoporosisKartagener triadSitus inversus totalisChronic sinusitisBronchiectasisSamter triadNasal polypsAspirin sensitivityAsthmaCarney triadGastric GISTParagangliomaPulmonary chondromaClassical triad of features in DiseasesFeltv syndrome - Triad of Rheumatoid arthritis, Splenomegaly, and NeutropeniaWhipple disease - Triad of Diarrhea, Weight loss, and Malabsorption.Reiter syndrome - Triad of Arthritis, Urethritis, and ConjunctivitisWegener granulomatosis - Triad ofAcute necrotizing granulomas of the upper & lower respiratory tractNecrotizing or granulomatous vasculitis affecting small to medium-sized vesselsGlomerulonephritisPlummer-Vinson syndrome- Triad of Esophageal webs, Microcytic hypochromic anemia & atrophic glossitisAchalasia cardia - Triad of incomplete LES relaxation. increased LES tone, esophageal aperistalsisSolitary rectal ulcer - Triad of rectal bleeding, mucus discharge, and an inflammatory lesion of the anterior rectal wall.Spasmus nutans - Triad of nystagmus, head tilt, and head noddingHepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) - Triad of chronic liver disease, hypoxemia, and intra-puimo- nary vascular dilations (TVPD)Hemochromatosis - Triad of pigment cirrhosis with hepatomegaly, skin pigmentation, and diabetes meltitusAnhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia - Triad of absence of sweat glands, anomalous dentition, and hypotrichosisDRESS syndrome - Triad of Fever, rash and hepatitisGradenigo syndrome - Triad of suppurative OM. paralysis of the external rectus muscle, and pain in the ipsilateral orbit.Infantile glaucoma - Triad of epiphora (tearing), photophobia (sensitivity to lightt. and blepharospasm (eyelid squeezing)Kearns-Savre syndrome - Triad of progressive external ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, and onset before age 20 yr.Andersen-Tawil syndrome - Triad of periodic paralysis. potentially fatal cardiac ventricular ectopyHemolytic uremic syndrome - Triad of Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal insufficiencyPrune-belly syndrome, also called triad syndrome or Eagle-Barrett syndromeMacCune Albright Syndrome - Triad of Polyostotic disease. Precocious puberty, and Cutaneous pigmentationBotulism - Triad of acute onset of a symmetric flaccid descending paralysis with clear sensorium. no fever, and no paresthesiasKlippel-Feil syndrome - Triad of short neck, low hairline, and restriction of neck motion
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