Catatonia is a type of: September 2007
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Ans. A: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a severe, persistent, debilitating, and poorly understood psychiatric disorder that probably consists of several separate illnesses. Symptoms include disturbances in thoughts (or cognitions), mood (or affects), perceptions, and relationships with others. The hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia are auditory hallucinations and delusions, which are fixed false beliefs. The symptoms of schizophrenia may be divided into the following 4 domains: Positive symptoms: These include psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, which are usually auditory; delusions; and disorganized speech and behavior. Negative symptoms: These include a decrease in emotional range, povey of speech, loss of interests, and loss of drive. Cognitive symptoms: These include neurocognitive deficits, such as deficits in working memory and attention and executive functions such as the ability to organize and abstract. Mood symptoms: Schizophrenia patients often seem cheerful or sad in a way that does not make sense to others. They often are depressed. Catatonia Schizophrenia This syndrome occurs in children, adolescents, and adults; is associated with a heterogeneous group of comorbid conditions; and is characterized by a variety of symptoms and signs of impairment of the expression of voluntary thoughts and movements. Typically, the syndrome of catatonia is episodic, with periods of remission. It can presents in three clinical forms: Excited catatonia Stuporous catatonia Catatonia alternating between excitement and stupor.
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