Casoni’s test is positive in
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Ans. a (Echinococcus)TestUsed forAdrenolytic testPheochromocytomaAllen testIn patients with severe Raynaud's phenomenon and refractory digital ulcers due to distal ulnar artery occlusion.Anticholinesterase testMyasthenia gravisApnea testDemonstration that apnea is due to irreversible medullary damage.Bentiromide testis an indirect measure of pancreatic function and reflects intraluminal chymotrypsin activity. The test has excellent specificity but is not very sensitive.Bernstein testHeartburn is produced by heightened mucosal sensitivity and can be reproduced by infusion of dilute (0.1 N) hydrochloric acid.Casoni's testEchinococcosisCoomb's testIs the major tool for diagnosing autoimmune hemolysis. This test relies on the ability of antibodies specific for immunoglobulins (especially IgG) or complement components (especially C3) to agglutinate RBC coated with these proteins. With specific anti-IgG and anti-C3, the direct Coombs test detects IgG or C3 on the patient's RBC, which indicates the presence of immune hemolysis and may help define its cause.Desmopressin testSevere pituitary or nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus can be differentiated by administering desmopressin (DDAVP, 0.03 microg/kg subcutaneously or intravenously) and repeating the measurement of urine osmolarity 1 to 2 h later. An increase of >50% indicates severe pituitary Dl, whereas a smaller or absent response is strongly suggestive of nephrogenic Dl.Dexamethasone suppression testThe best screening procedure for Pituitary-Adrenal Suppressibility is the overnight dexamethasone suppression test.Dick testSusceptibility to scarlet fever was correlated with results of the Dick test, in which a small amount of erythrogenic toxin injected intradermally produced local erythema in susceptible individuals but elicited no response in those with specific.Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye test or the dihydrorhodamine (DHR) oxidation test.Deficiencies of oxidative metabolism are detected with either the two.Drop arm testThe diagnosis of a complete tear of the rotator cuff is suggested by the drop arm test in which the patient is unable to maintain his or her arm outstretched once it is passively abducted.Finkelstein's testDeQuervains tenosynovitis resulting from inflammation of the tendon sheath(s) involving the abductor poliicis longus or extensor pollicis brevis.Hydrogen breath testHydrogen breath testing after lactose ingestion may be performed for suspected lactase deficiency.Gastrin provocative tests(secretin stimu- lation test, the calcium infusion study, and a standard meal test)To differentiate between the causes of hypergastrinemia.Ham testFor many years, the diagnosis of PNH depended on the demonstration of the lysis of RBC after complement activation either by acid (Ham test) or by reduction in ionic strength (sucrose lysis test). These tests are inferior to the analysis of GPI-linked proteins (e.g., CD59, DAF) on RBC and granulocytes by flow cytometry.Head tilt testCardinal diagnostic feature of trochlear nerve palsy (The vertical diplopia is exacerbated by tilting the head towards the side with the muscle palsy, and alleviated by tilting it away)McMurray testA positive McMurray test may indicate a meniscal tear.Mazzotti testOnchocerciasisSwinging flashlight testTo elicit relative afferent pupillary defect (Marcus Gunn pupil). It is an extremely useful sign in retrobulbar optic neuritis and other optic nerve diseases, where it may be the sole objective evidence for disease.Schober testUseful measure of lumbar spine flexionString testStrongyloides stercoralisTyramine testTo evaluate postganglionic adrenergic function. In a postganglionic lesion, the response to tyramine is reduced and there is an excessive response to subthreshold doses of phenylephrine.Table tilt testNeurocardiogenic syncope
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