Broca’s area is situated in
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Inferior frontal gyrus
(A) Inferior frontal gyrus[?]BROCA'S AREA (Motor Speech Area) is a section of the human brain that is involved in language processing, speech or sign production & comprehensionBroca's area is located in the opercular and triangular sections of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus of the Frontal lobe of the Cortex.Broca's & Wernicke's areas are found unilaterally in the brain (left hemisphere) dominant hemisphere.Broca's area comprises Brodmann area 44 and (according to some authorities) Brodmann area 45.Broca's Area is connected to Wernicke's area by a neural pathway called the arcuate fasciculus.Inability to speak after injury to the posterior-inferior frontal gyrus of the brain.Pierre Paul Brocahe identified this region, known as Broca's area.Difficulty in language production as Broca's aphasia, also called expressive aphasia.Broca's area is now typically defined in terms of the pars opercularis & pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus.Present in left hemisphere in 90% of right handed & 70% of left handed people.Present in right hemisphere only in any of left handed peopleCEREBRAL CORTEX & CORTICAL AREAS AT A GLANCEAREALOCATIONFUNCTION* Motor area (Area 4)Precentral gyrus & anterior part of para-central lobuleVoluntary movements* Premotor area (Area 6)Posterior parts of frontal gyriVoluntary movements* Frontal eye field (8) Includes Areas 6 & 9Anterior to premotor area in posterior part of middle frontal gyrusConjugate deviation of eyes to opposite side.* Broca's speech area (Areas 44,45)Posterior part of inferior frontal gyms of dominant hemisphereControls motor element of speech.* Prefrontal cortexAnterior part of frontal gyri, orbital gyri, most of medial frontal gyms, & anterior part of cingulate gyms.Intellectual activity* Sensory Cortex (Areas 3,1,2)Post central gyms & adjoining parts of post central gyms & posterior part of para-central lobuleAppreciation of somatic sensations* Areas 39,40Inferior parietal lobule, supra marginal & angular gyri.Recognition of somatic sensory stimuli & their integration steriognosis* Primary visual area (17) Visual cortex or striate cortex (Visual-Sensory Cortex)Surrounds post calcarine sulcus.Primary visual function* Visual association cortex (18,19) (peristriate & parastriate areas) (Visual-Psychic)Occipital lobe adjacent to striate areaRecognition & integration of visual stimuli* Primary acoustic area (41) or 1st acoustic area (Al)Anterior transverse temporal gyms extending to superior temporal gymsPrimary auditory function* Auditory association area (Area 42)Posterior transverse temporal gymsIntegration of auditory stimuli with other sensory modalities.* Area 24Anterior part of cingulate gymsPulse, Respiration & B.P. control* Limbic systemHippocampus, alveus, fimbria, fornix & its termination into mamillary bodies are grouped under this systemMaintenance of normal homeostasis of body along with hypothalamus.* Second speech area of WernickeOccupies parietal area extending into temporal lobe round the posterior extremity of lateral sulcus.Second motor speech area.
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