Blood bag is discarded in:
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Correct Answer:
Yellow bag
Blood bag along with laboratory cultures, specimens of micro-organisms and live and attenuated vaccine are dicarded in YELLOW bag. Blood bags are Pre-treated to sterilize with non-chlorinated chemicals on-site as per National AIDS Control Organisation or World Health Organisation guidelines Microbiology, biotechnology and other clinical laboratory waste:Blood bags. Laboratory cultures, stocks or specimens of micro-organisms, live or attenuated vaccines. Cat. Type of Bag/ container used Type of waste Treatment/ Disposal options Yellow Non-chlorinated plastic bags Separate collection system leading to effluent treatment system a)Human Anatomical Waste b)Animal Anatomical Waste c)Solid Waste d)Expired or Discarded Medicines e)Chemical Waste f)Micro, Bio-t and other clinical lab waste g)Chemical Liquid waste Incineration or Plasma pyrolysis or deep burial* Red Non-chlorinated plastic bags or containers Contaminated Waste (Recyclable)tubing, bottles, intravenous tubes and sets, catheters, urine bags, syringes (without needles and gloves) Autoclaving, microwaving/ Hydroclaving and then sent for recycling not be sent to landfill White (Translucent) Puncture, Leak, tamper proof containers Waste sharps including Metals Auto or Dry Heat Sterilization followed by shredding or mutiation or encapsulation Blue Cardboard boxes with blue colored marking Glassware Disinfection or autoclaving, microwaving, hydroclaving and then sent for recycling
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