Image 1.- p30 test (Best test for seminal fluid is microscopy.) Image 2 -Barberio's test Image3-Florence test Image 4-Acid phosphatase test Some hot points for Blood Stain and Semen1. For identification of a blood stain the most reliable test is Spectroscopic test.2. Screening bloodstain --> presence of enzyme Peroxidase.3. Benzidine test has been banned due to carcinogenic effect.4. Takayama reagent is used in Hemochromogen.5. positive Kastle Mayer test -->a pink stain colour.6. Positive cases of Teichmann's test--> Dark brown rhombic crystals7. Species identification of a bloodstain -->Precipitin test.8. The best method to detect disputed paternity -->DNA fingerprinting.9. Group specific substance are not found in CSF.10. Best specimen for DNA fingerprinting in a living person blood preserved with EDTA.11. Best post-moem tissue sample for DNA fingerprinting in a decomposed body bone marrow.12. Tests for an old blood stain -->Benzidine test.13. Brain-mapping is---> lie-detection test.14. The drug used for narco-analysis --> Pentothal.15. eeg is used in Brain fingerprinting16. Semen has luminescence in UV light.17. Florence test produces choline iodide crystals.18. Barberio's test produces sperm in picrate crystals.19. Acid phosphatase levels in semen are > 100 Bodansky units.