Best prognosis of Neonatal Seizures is in ?
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Focal seizures have the best prognosis when compared with other. Neonatal seizure classification Clonic seizures These movements most commonly are associated with electrographic seizures. They often involve 1 extremity or 1 side of the body. The rhythm of the clonic movements is usually slow, at 1-3 movements per second. Tonic seizures These may involve 1 extremity or the whole body. Focal tonic seizures involving 1 extremity often are associated with electrographic seizures. Generalized tonic seizures often manifest with tonic extension of the upper and lower limbs and also may involve the axial musculature in an opisthotonic fashion. Generalized tonic seizures mimic decoicate posturing; the majority are not associated with electrographic seizures. Myoclonic seizures These may occur focally in 1 extremity or in several body pas (in which case they are described as multifocal myoclonic seizures). Focal and multifocal myoclonic seizures typically are not associated with electrographic correlates. These movements are thought to be non-epileptic in nature and a reflection of severe encephalopathy. Prognosis Prognosis is determined by the etiology of the neonatal seizures. If the EEG background is normal, the prognosis is excellent for seizures to resolve; normal development is likely. Severe EEG background abnormalities indicate poor prognosis; such patients frequently have cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The presence of spikes on EEG is associated with a 30% risk of developing future epilepsy. The prognosis following neonatal seizures that result from isolated subarachnoid hemorrhage is excellent, with 90% of children not having residual neurologic deficits. Reference: GHAI Essential pediatrics, 8th edition
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