Behaviour Therapy is not useful in
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B i.e. Hysteria (This is a relative answer because cognitive therapy mostly use behaviour components also and are k/a cognitive behaviour therapy (C.B.T) )Some common clinical applications of behaviour therapy are agoraphobiaQ, other phobias, obscessive compulsive disorderQ (obscessive thoughts that accompany rituals), alcohol (drug) dependence, eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia nervosa), type A behaviour, sexual dysfunctions (impotence, premature ejaculation), paraphilias, shy bladder (enuresis), encompresis, hyperventilation and Schizophrenia (tocken economy for desired behavior). - Kaplan's 957Cognitive therapy is used in depression, panic disorder, GADQ, obscessive compulsive disorder, personality disorder and somatoform disorder (hysteria)Q. - Kaplan-958Stuttering is treated by combinations of behaviour distraction, relaxation techniques and directed speech modification therapy. Most modern treatments of stuttering include components that target stuttering as, in pa, a learned behaviour that can be modified through behaviour techniques eg self therapy proposed by speech foundation of America. It is based on premise that stuttering is not a symptom, but a behaviour that can be modified. - Kplan's -1188Somatization disorder combined with conversion disorder was earlier referred to as hysteria (conversion reaction or dissociative reaction). Somatization disorder is treated with cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), brief psychodynamic psychotherapyQ and antidepressants. (Kaplan-638, New oxford-1006). Evidence based psychological treatment of conversion disorder, involve CBT or interpersonal therapy discouraging, 'maintaining factors' such as excessive bed rest and challenging patient's negative or false beliefs (New Oxford-1019). Resolution of conversion disorder is facilitated by insight oriented suppoive or behaviour therapy (i.e. CBT). Hypnosis, anxiolytics, & behaviour relaxation exercises are effective in some cases. Psychodynamic approaches include psychoanalysis & insight oriented psychotherapy, in which patients explore intrapsychic conflictsQ and the symbolism of conversion disorder symptoms. (Kaplan's - 641-42)
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