Anteversion of uterus is maintained by
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Round ligaments
(D) Round ligaments[?]POSITIONS OF UTERUS:Anteversion of uterus: Long axis of uterus is bent forward on long axis of vagina, In most women.Also, long axis of body of uterus is bent forward at level of internal as with long axis of cervix (anteflexion of uterus). Thus, in erect position and with bladder empty, uterus lies in an almost horizontal plane.Fundus and body of uterus are bent backward on vagina so that they lie in rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas). Uterus is therefore retroverted. If body of the uterus is, in addition, bent backward on cervix, it is also retroflexed.Angle of Anteflexion is 125degStructures assist in keeping the uterus in position:Sustainer structures: Urogenital diaphragm, Levator ani muscle, Perineal bodySuspensory Structures:Pubocervical ligament, Cardinal ligament (parametrium)Uterosacral ligamentRound ligament of UterusStructures assist in keeping the uterus in Antever- s ion-anteflexion:Cardinal ligament (parametrium):Supports Anteversion, the uterine angle between cervix & body.-Between Vagina & CervixRound Ligament of Uterus:Maintains Anteflexion of the uterus (a position where the fundus of the uterus leans ventrally).-During Pregnancy it gives support to the anteversion as well.Angle of Anteversion 90deg: Maintained by Round & uterosacral ligaments.It has even more significant role during pregnancy. When the uterus grows during pregnancy, the round ligaments can stretch causing pain.#. Position:!. Non pregnant uterus is within the pelvis.!. It is anteverted & anteflexed in position.!. Long axis of cervix is bent on long axis of vagina this is called Anteversion.!. Body of uterus is bent forwards over cervix at the isthmus and is known as Anteflexion.#. Pubocervical ligament:!. Attached Anteriorly to posterior aspect of body of pubis!. Passes to neck of bladder.!. Anterior fornix of vagina.!. Pubocervical ligaments help to maintain normal angle of 45deg between the vagina & horizontal.!. Decrease may cause a cystocoele.
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