All of the following is true about Abruptio placentae except:
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Bright red blood
Ans: B (Bright) "Character of blood in abruption placentae- dark coloured(c.f bright red in placenta praevia)"- Dutta's Obstetrics 7th/246"Prevalence of Abruptio placentae is more with high birth order (pregnancies wrt/i gravida 5 or more) Dutta's Obstetrics 7th/ 252"Hypertension in pregnancy is the most important predisposing factor. Pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension & essential hypertension, all are associated with placental abruption"- Dutta's Obstetrics 7th/252RECURRENT ABRUPTION William's Obstetrics23rd/764-65Pritchard and co-workers (1970) identified a recurrence rate of severe abruption in 1 in 8 pregnancies.Furuhashi and colleagues (2002) analyzed subsequent pregnancy outcomes from 27 women who had a prior placental abruption. Of the six (22 percent) recurrences, four were at a gestational age 1 to 3 weeks earlier than the first abruption.ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE (AP) Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecologyr and Obstetrics, 3rdAbruptio placentae (AP) is the premature separation of the normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall due to uterine vessel hemorrhage into the decidua basalis.Placenta] abruption accounts for one-third of all antepartum bleeding.AP has a recurrence rate of 5% to 17% after an episode in one previous pregnancy and 25% after an episode in two previous pregnancies.When the abruption results in a stillbirth, there is a 7% incidence of a stillbirth in future pregnanciesAlthough many cases continue to be idiopathic, AP is associated with maternal hypertension, advanced maternal age, multiparity, cocaine use, tobacco use, chorioamnionitis, and trauma.Patients with chronic hypertension, superimposed pre-eclampsia, or severe pre-eclampsia have a fivefold increased risk of severe abruption compared to normotensive counterparts.Table (William Obs.}: Risk Factors for Placental AbruptionRisk FactorRelative RiskIncreased age and parity13-13Preeclampsia2.1-4.0Chronic hypertension1.8-3.0Preterm ruptured membranes2.4-4.9Multifetai gestation2.1Hydramnios2.0Cigarette smoking1.4-1.9Thrombophilias3-7Cocaine useNAPrior abruption10-25Uterine leiomyomaNA
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