All of the following are features of atrial myxoma except: September 2008
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Ans. B: HypeensionFindings of atrial myxoma?Jugular venous pressure may be elevated, and a prominent a wave may be present.A loud S1 is caused by a delay in mitral valve closure due to the prolapse of the tumor into the mitral valve orifice (mimicking mitral stenosis).P2 may be delayed. Its intensity may be normal or increased, depending on the presence of pulmonary hypeension.In many cases, an early diastolic sound, called a tumor plop, is heard. This sound is produced by the impact of the tumor against the endocardial wall or when its excursion is halted.An S3 or S4 may be audible.A diastolic atrial rumble may be heard if the tumor is obstructing the mitral valve.If there is valve damage from the tumor, mitral regurgitation may cause a systolic murmur at the apex.A right atrial tumor may cause a diastolic rumble or holosystolic murmur due to tricuspid regurgitation.The major clinical manifestation are due to valvular "ball-valve" obstruction. Embolization, or a syndrome of constitutional symptoms such as fever, cyanosis, digital clubbing, rash, or petechiae. Sometimes fragmentation and systemic embolization calls attention to these lesion.Patients with familial myxoma may have a variety of features called syndrome myxoma or Carney syndrome, as follows:- Myxomas in breast, skin, thyroid gland, or neural tissue- Spotty pigmentation such as lentigines (i.e., flat brown discoloration of skin), pigmented nevi, or both- Endocrine hyperactivity such as Cushing syndrome- Multiple cerebral fusiform aneurysms may be seen in patients with Carney syndrome.Other described syndromes associated with atrial myxomas include the following:- NAME syndrome features nevi, atrial myxoma, myxoid neurofibroma and ephelides (i.e., freckles (tanned macules found on the skin)).- LAMB syndrome features lentigines, atrial myxoma, and blue nevi.
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