All are true regarding National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) except –
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Veical Family welfare and health service
Ans. is 'b' i.e., Veical Family welfare and health service o District becomes the core unit of planning, budgeting and implementation of the programme. All veical health and family welfare programmes at district level will merge into one common "District health Mission" and at state level into "State health mission" there will be provision of a "mobile medical tin it" at district level for improved outreach services. Since almost 75 percent of health services are being currently provided by the private sector, it is contempolated that involving the private sector as pa of the RCH initiatives will provide more effective health care delivery system. Thus settng up of "public private panership" (PPP) would help to make the RCH II programme better. and ensure availability or preventive and curative reproductive and health services to the community. o Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Rural Health Mission being implemented with the objective of reducing maternal & neo-natal moality by promoting institutional delivery among the poor pregnant women. o The schedule of implementation of major components of NRHM are as following (40) : Merger of multiple societies and constitution of district/state mission. Provision of additional generic drugs at SC/PHC/CHC level. Operational programme management units. Preparation of village health plans. ASHA at village level (with drug kit) Upgrading of rural hospital Operationalising district planning Mobile medical unit at district level The Goals to be achieved by NRITN I (40) A. National level Infant moality rate reduced to 30/1,000 live bid hs. Maternal moality ratio reduced to 100/100,000. Total feility rate reduced - 50% by 2010. additional 10% by 2012. Malaria moality rate reduction -50% by 2010 additional 10% by 2012. Kala-azar moality rate reduction - 100% by 2010 and sustaining elimination until 2012. Filarial/microfilaria rate reduction 70% by 2010. 80% by 2012 and elimination until 2015. Dengue moality rate reduction - 50% by 2010 and sustaining at that level until 2012. Japanese encephalitis moality rate reduction - 50% by 2010 and sustaining at that level until 2012. Cataract operation : increasing to 46 lakhs per year by 2012, Leprosy prevalence rate : from 1.8/10,000 in 2005 to less than 1/10,000 thereafter. Tuberculosis DOTS services : maintain 85% cure rate through entire mission period. Upgrading community health centres to Indian public health standards. Increase utilization of first referral units from less than 20% to 75%. Engaging 250,000 female accredited social health activists (ASHA) in 10 states. B. At community level Availability of trained community level worker at village level, with a drug kit for genera/ ailments. Health day at anganwadi level on a fixed thy/month for provision of immunization, ante/post natal checkups and services related to mother and child healthcare, including nutrition. Availability of generic drugs for common ailments at subcentre and hospital level. Good hospital care through assured availability of doctors, drugs and quality services under the programme. Improved facilities for institution deliver through provision of referral, transpo, esco and improved hospital care subsidized under the janani suraksha yojana for the below povey line families. Availability of assured healthcare at reduced financial risk through pilots of community health insurance under the mission. Provision of household toilets. improved outreach services through mobile medical unit at district level.
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