All are true about proximal humerus attachment except –
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Supraspinatus at LT
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Supraspinatus at LTo Supraspinatous is inserted on greater tubercle (GT), not on lesser tubercle (LT)Attachments of Humerus -o The multipennate subscapularies is nserted into the lesser tubercle,o The supraspinatus is inserted into the uppermost impression on the greater tubercle.o The infraspinatus is inserted into the middle impression on the greater tubercle,o The teres minor is inserted into the lower impression on the greater tubercle.o The pectoralis major is inserted into the lateral lip of the intertubercular sulcus. The insertion is bilaminar,o The latissimus dorsi is inserted into the floor of the intertubercular sulcus,o The teres major is inserted into the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus,o The contents of the intertubercular sulcus are :i) The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii, and its synovial sheath.ii)The ascending banch of the anterior circumflex humeral artery,o The deltoid is inserted into the deltoid tuberosity.o The coracobrachialis is inserted into the rough ara on the middle of the medial border.o The brachialis arises from the lower halves of the anteromedial and anterolateral surfaces of the shaft. Part of the area extends onto the posterior aspect.o The brachioradialis arises from the upper twothirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge,o The extensor carpi radialis longus arises from the lower one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge,o The pronator teres (humeral head) arises from the lower one-third of the medial supracondylar ridge,o The superficial flexor muscles of the forearm arise by a common origin from the anterior aspect of the medial epicondyle. This is called the common flexor origin.o The supraficial extensor muscles of the forearm have a common origin from the lateral epicondyle. This is called the common extensor origin.o The anconeus arises from the posterior surface of the lateral epicondyle.o lateal head of triceps brachii arises from oblique ridge on the upper part of posterior surface above the radial groove, while its medial head arises from posterior surface below the radial groove.o Three nerves ae directly related to the humerus and are, therefore, liable to injury: The axillaiy at teh surgical neck, the radial at the radial groove, and the ulnar behind the medial epicondyle.
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