After premature delivery, mother’s milk is low in
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Ans. a (Lactose) (Ref OP Ghai 6th/ p. 158; 7th/p. 131, 134)After premature delivery, mother's milk is low in:# Calcium # Phosphates # LactoseADVANTAGES OF BREAST MILK# Docosahexanoic acid (DHA, W3, 2:3) present in breast milk helps in brain development.# Maximum synthesis of breast milk occurs at 12 months.# Has better calcium than cow milk for baby to absorb.# Iron in breast has 70% availablity. # Prevents against infections by:- Human milk contains bacterial and viral antibodies, including secretory IgA. They probably account for the lower incidence of diarrhea, otitis media, pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis during the 1st yr of life.e- Macrophages in human milk may synthesize complement, lysozyme, and lactoferrin.- Lactoferrin has an inhibitory effect on the growth of Escherichia coli in the intestine.- The lower pH of the stool of breast-fed infants is thought to contribute to the favorable intestinal flora of infants fed human milk vs. formula (i.e., more bifidobacteria and lactobacilli; fewer E. coli), which also helps protect against infections caused by some species of E. coli.- Human milk also contains bile salt-stimulated lipase, which kills Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica.DISADVANTAGES OF BREAST MILK# Breast milk is balanced, will supply all the necessary nutrients except, perhaps, fluoride and, after several months, vitamin D.# The iron content of human milk is somewhat low. However, most normal infants have sufficient iron stores for the first 6 mo of life. Moreover, human milk iron is well absorbed.# The vitamin K content of human milk also is low and may contribute to hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Parenteral administration of 1 mg of vitamin K, at birth is recommended for all infants, edpecially for those who will be breast- fed.# Cytomegalovirus (CMV), human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, rubella virus, hepatitis B virus, and herpes simplex virus also have been demonstrated in breast milk. Of these, the presence of CMV is the most troublesome.Nutritive value of milk compared BuffaloCowGoatHuman1Fat (g) (g) (g) (mg)210120170285Iron (mg) C (mg)12137Minerals (g) (g)81.08786.888
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