Adult worm of Echinococcus granulosus is commonly seen in which of the given animals?
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(A) Dog[?]Echinococcus granulosus:oOnly found in canine host (Dog or Wolf is Definitive Host)oIntermediate host - sheep or other ruminants. Human is accidental intermediate host.-Eggs ingested-Contaminated food or water-Objects contaminatedoDog becomes infected by eating raw meat containing hydatid cyst.[?]Life Cycle:oDogs are the definitive hosts:-Adult worm develops in the small intestine-Eggs are voided in the feces of the dogs.oSheep are intermediate hosts.oHumans are accidental intermediate hosts: Larval form develops mainly in the liver & lungs.oThe cycle is completed when a dog eats a cyst-infested liver or lungs.[?]Life Cycle: The adult is in the small intestines of the definitive host (dogs). Gravid proglottids release eggs that are passed in the feces.oThe intermediate hosts are infected by ingesting eggs, the egg hatches in the small bowel & releases an oncospherePARTIAL LIST OF ZOONOSESDisease in manAnimal principally involvedA. Bacterial infections*. Anthrax.*. Brucellosis*. Ornithosis*. Q fever*. Leptospirosis*. Tuberculosis*. Plague*. Cattle, sheep, goats, camels, pigs, dogs, horses, buffaloes*. Wild and domestic birds*. Cattle, sheep, goats, wild animals*. Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, cats, dogsB. Viral infections*. Cowpox*. Monkeypox*. Easternequine encephalitis*. Ross river fever*. Monkeys, rodents*. Horses, rodents*. Horses, cattle, goats, sheep, dogs, rats, bats, pigsC. Protozoan infections*. Leishmaniasis*. Toxoplasmosis*. Trypanosomiasis*. Babesiosis*. D. Helminthic infections*. Clonorchiasis*. Fasciolopsis Schistosomiasis*. Echinococcosis*. Taeniasis, Trichinellosis*. Dogs, cats, swine*. Cats, mammals, birds*. Game animals, cattle*. Dogs, cats, swine, wild mammals, fish*. Swine, dogs*. Dogs, wild carnivores, domestic and wild ungulates*. Swine, rodents, wild carnivores, marine mammals
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