According to PALS 2010, all are components of initial impression of child except:
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Ans: C (Airway) Ref: Pediatric Advanced Life Support 2010 Guidelines. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual (A Modification of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle in the 2006 edition of the PALS textbook)Explanation:Consciousness, breathing, colour are seen in initial evaluation. Then Pulse and airway are seen according to PALS.PALS Systematic Approach Algorithm of the 2010 EditionInitial ImpressionConsciousness, breathing, and color are assessed initially.Consciousness"The level of consciousness may be characterized as unresponsive, irritable, or alert.Decreased level of consciousness may result from inadequate 02 or substrate delivery or brain trauma,'dysfunction."Breathing"Abnormal breathing includes use of accessory muscles, extra sounds of breathing or abnormal breathing patterns.''Color"Pale, modeled, or bluisIVgray skin color suggests poor perfusion, poor oxygenation, or both.A flushed appearance suggests fever or the presence of a toxin."T1CLSConsciousness in the newborn and infant can be assessed using the TICLS mneumonic.T stands for tone. And the tone can be from vigorous to limp. Every child including newborns should have good muscle tone, that is, they should not be floppy.I stands for interactive. The infant normally should be interested in his or her surroundings.C stands for consolability. The normal infant should be able to be consoled.L stands for look meaning gaze. The normal infant should follow with his or her eyes interesting objects. A glassy eyed stare is abnormal.S stands for speech or cry. The normal infant should have a normal cry.PALS Systematic Approach Algorithm Initial Impression(conscliousness, breathing, color) |Is child unresponsive with no breathing or only gasping | Yes | NoShout for help/Activate Emergency Response(as appropriate for setting)|||Is there a pulse?Yes-Open airway and begin ventilation and oxygen as available | No ||YesIs the pulse <60/min with poor perhlsion despite oxygenation and ventilation?No----||------| |Start Cpr(C-A-B) If at any time youidentify cardiac arrest------------Evaluate* Primary assessment* Secondary assessment * Diagnostic tests| Go toPediatric Cardiac ArrestAlgerithmIntervene | IdentityAfter ROSC beginEvaluate-Identify-Intervene sequence (right column
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