A gardener has multiple vesicles on hand andmultiple eruptions along the lymphatics. Most common fungus responsible is ?
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Sporothrix schenckii
Sporothrix schenekii Multiple vesicles on hand and multiple eruptions along the lymphatics in a gardner suggest the diagnosis of cutaneous sporotrichosis. Sporotrichosis Sporotrichosis is caused by the thermally dimorphic fungus sporothrix schenckii. Because S.schencki is naturally found in soil, hay, sphagnum moss, and plants, it usually affects farmers, gardeners, and agricultural workers. This fungal disease usually affects the skin although rare forms can affect the lungs, joints, bones, and CNS. Fungus enters through small cuts and abrasions in the skin to cause the infection. Because roses can spread the disease, it is one of a few diseases referred to as rose-thorn or rose gardener's disease. Forms and symptoms of sporotrichosis I) Cutaneous (skin) sporotrichosis - This is the most common form of this disease. Symptoms of this form includes nodular lesions or bumps in the skin, at the point of entry and also along lymph nodes and vessels. - The lesion stas off as small and painless, nodule and ranges in colour from pink to purple. - Left untreated, the lesion becomes larger and look similar to a boil and more lesions will apear, until a chronic ulcer develops. Usually cutaneous sporotrichosis lesions occur in the finger, hand and arm. 2) Pulmonary sporotrichosis - This rare form of the disease occur when S.schenckii spores are inhaled. - Symptoms include productive cough, nodules, cavitations and fibrosis of lungs; and hilar lymph node enlargement. - Patients with this form of sporotrichosis are susceptible to developing tuberculosis and pneumonia. 3) Disseminated sporotrichosis - When the infection spreads from the primary site to secondary sites in the body, the disease develops into a rare and critical form called disseminated sporotrichosis. - The infection can spread to joints and bones (called osteoaicular sporotrichosis) as well as the CNS and brain (sporotrichosis meningitis). About other options Cladosporium Cladosporium genus of fungi includes some of the most common indoor and outdoor molds. Many species of cladosporium are commonly found on living and dead plant material. Some species are plant pathogens, others parasitize other fungi. Cladosporium species are rarely pathogenic to humans, but have been repoed to cause infection of the skin and toenails, as well as sinusitis and pulmonary infections.
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