A ease of suspected homicide comes to a doctor He is supposed to inform police under section ………. of CrPC:
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Ans. b. 39 (Ref: Reddy 33e p290-297,400-401,411-41l4; 28/e p423-426: Textbook on the Indian Penal Code by Krishna Deo Gaur 4/e p594; the-indian-penal-code-pdf-d74214920)A case of suspected homicide comes to a doctor. He is supposed to inform police under section 39 of CrPC.'Section 39 of CrPC gives a list of offences, the information regarding which is to be mandatorily provided to the police. That is, the doctor is duty bound to provide information about these enlisted offences (in Sec 39 CrPC) to the police.'Important Criminal Procedure Codes (CrPC)CrPCDescription39* Doctor is duty bound to provide information about enlisted offences to the policeQ53* Examination of accused by medical practitioner at request of policeQ53A* Examination of accused of rapeQ54* Examination of arrested person by medicai officer at request of arrested personQ61* Format of summonsQ62* Summons how servedQ70* Form of warrant of arrest and durationQ174* Police inquestQ176* Magistrates inquestQ293* Exception to oral evidenceQ327* Open trial-closed room in camera trial-rape casesQImportant Indian Evidence Acts (IEA)IEADescription114ADoctrine of adverse inferenceQ (presume absence of consent)137Recording of evidenceQ139Cross-examination of a person called to produce a documentQ141Leading questionsQ152Question intending to insult or annoyQ159Refreshing memoryQ162Production of documentsQ SectionDeals with44 IPCDefinition of injury (any harm caused to a person in body, mind, reputation or property)53 IPCAn accused can be examined by a medical practitioner at the request of police, even without his consent and by use of forceQ84 IPCInsanity & criminal responsibilityQ85 IPCCriminal responsibility of a person incapable of judgment by reasons intoxication caused against his will191 IPCDefines perjury or hostile witnessQ193 IPCPunishment for perjuryQ197 IPCPunishment for doctors for submitting false medical certificates202 IPCIntentional omission to give information of offence by person bound to inform228A IPCDisclosure of identity of victim of certain offences under section 376 (rape) Q269 IPCNegligent act likely to spread infection or disease dangerous to lifeSectionDeals with270 IPCMalignant act likely to spread infection or disease dangerous to life299 IPCCulpable homicideQ300 IPCDefinition of murderQ302 IPCPunishment for murderQ304A IPCCausing death by negligence, punishment up to 2 years (medical negligence)304B IPCDowry deathQ, punishment 7 years to life imprisonment306 IPCAbetment of suicideQ307 IPCAttempt to murderQ306 IPCAbetment to commit culpable homicideQ312 IPCCausing illegal miscarriage with woman's consentQ313 IPCCausing illegal miscarriage without woman's consentQ314 IPCDeath of mother caused by act done with intent to cause miscarriageQ315 IPCAct done with intent to prevent child being born alive or to cause it to die after birthQ316 IPCCausing death of quick unborn child by act amounting to culpable homicideQ317 IPCExposure & abandonment of child under 12 years318 IPCConcealment of birth by secret disposal of dead body319 IPCDefinition of Hurt (whoever causes bodily pain, disease, or infirmity to any person is said to cause hurt)320 IPCGrevious hurtQ definition321 IPCVoluntarily causing hurtQ322 IPCVoluntarily causing Grevious hurtQ323 IPCPunishment for voluntarily causing hurt324 IPCVoluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means325 IPCPunishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt326 IPCVoluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means330 IPCVoluntarily causing hurt to extort confession or to compel restoration of property331 IPCVoluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort confession or to compel restoration of property351 IPCDeals with assaultQ354 IPCAssault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty375 IPCDefines rapeQ376 IPCPunishment of rapeQ377 IPCUnnatural sexual offencesQ497 IPCAdultery
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