A 35 yr old P 3+0 is observed to have CIN grade III on colposcopic biopsy. Best treatment will be
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LEEP Repeat All India 2009 "Although CIN can be treated with a variety of techniques, the preferred treatment for CIN 2 and 3 has become LEE?" - Novak's Gynecology p582 Though the patient is 35 yrs old and has completed her family, still hysterectomy won't be treatment of choice as-"Hysterectomy is currently considered too radical .for treatment of CIN"Novak's Gynecology p.585 Following are some situations in which hysterectomy remains a valid and appropriate method of treatment for CIN Microinvasion CIN 3 at limits of conizution specimen in selected patients Poor compliance with follow-up Other gynecologic problems requiring hysterectomy, such as fibroids, prolapse, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) Invasive squamous cell cervical cancers are preceded by a long phase of preinvasive disease, collectively referred to as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Histopathologically a pa or the full thickness of cervical squamous epithelium is replaced by cells showing varying degree of dysplasia, with intact basement membrane. CIN may be suspected through cytological examination using the Pap smear test or through colposcopic examination. Cervical cytology is the most efficacious and cost-effective method for cancer screening. Final diagnosis of CIN is established by the histopathological examination of a cervical punch biopsy or excision specimen. Additionally, human papilloma virus (HPV) testing can be performed in order to better triage women with early cytologic changes. Cervical Cytology Screening (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Guideline) Initial screening Age 21 or 3 y after vaginal sex Interval Every year Every 2-3 y after age 30 with 3 consecutive normals Discontinue No upper limit of age Comparison of Cytology Classification Systems (in simplified form) Bathesda CIN llysplasia Limit of histologic changes *LSIL CIN 1 Mild Basal 1/3rd of sq. epithelium HSIL ON 2 Moderate Basal 1/2 to 2/3rd CIN3 Severe Whole thickness except one or two superficial layers CIS Whole thickness LSIL - Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion HSIL - High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion CIS - Carcinoma in situ *LSIL incorporates HPV changes (koilocytotic atypia) along with CIN I. Role of HPV HPV infection is found in approx. 90% cases of intraepithelial neoplasia. Type H&18 are most commonly associated. HPV-18 is more specific than HPV-16 for invasive tumors. In most women, the HPV infection clears in 9 to 15 months. Only a minority of women exposed to HPV develop persistent infection that may progress to CIN. Type-16 is the most common HPV type found in women with normal cytology. Treatment CIN 1 Spontaneous regression of CIN 1 is seen in 60% to 85% of cases, typically within 2yrs. So patients who have biopsy diagnoses of C1N 1 are kept under observation with: Pap testing performed at 6 and 12 months Or HPV DNA testing at 12 months After two negative test results or a single negative HPV DNA test, annual screening may be resumed. Women with persistent CIN 1 after 24 months should be treated with a local ablative method. CIN 2 and3 CIN 2&3 carries a much higher probability of progressing to invasive cancer. All CIN 2 and 3 lesions require t reatment. LEEP ( loop electrosurgical excision procedure) is the preferred treatment for CIN 2 and 3. Because all therapeutic modalities carry an inherent recurrence rate of upto 10%. cytologic follow-up at about 3-month intervals for 1 year is necessary. Cryotherapy Considered acceptable therapy when the following criteria are met: - Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade 1 to 2 - Small lesion Ectocervical location only - Negative endocervical sample - No endocervical gland involvement on biopsy Laser Ablation It has been used effectively for the treatment of CIN .But because of the expense of the equipment as well as necessity for special training, laser ablation has fallen out of or. Laser has been widely replaced by LEEP. Laser Excisional Conization Rather than using laser for vaporization leading to ablation, it can be used to excise a conization specimen. The ease of LEEP conization has significantly reduced the indications of laser conization. Loop electrosurgical excision( LEEP) LEEP, variably known as simply loop excision or LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone), is a valuable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of CIN. It uses low-voltage, high-frequency, thin wire loop electrodes to perform a targeted removal of a cervical lesion, an excision of the transformation zone, or a cervical conization. This technique can be used in the outpatient setting Cold knife conization (scalpel) Conization is both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure and has the advantage over ablative therapies of providing tissue for fuher evaluation to rule out invasive cancer. Conization is indicated for CIN 2&3 in following conditions: - Limits of the lesion cannot be visualized with colposcopy. - The squat-no-columnar junction (SCE) is not seen at colposcopy. - Endocervical curettage (ECC) histologic findings are positive for CIN 2 or CIN 3. - There is a substantial lack of correlation between cytology, biopsy, and colposcopy results. - Microinvasion is suspected based on biopsy, colposcopy, or cytology results. - The colposcopist is unable to rule out invasive cancer.
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