A 30 year old G1P1001 patient comes to see you In office at 37 weeks gestational age for her routine OB visit. Her 1st pregnancy resulted in a vaginal delivery of a 9-lb, 8-02 baby boy after 30 minutes of pushing. On doing Leopold maneuvers during this office visit codetermine ttwt the fetus is breech. Vaginal exam demonstrate that the cervix is 50% effaced and 1-2 cm dilated. The presenting breech is high out of pelvis. The estimated fetal weight, is about 7 lb. yn the patient- for a USG, which confirms a fetus frank breech prestation. There is a normal am &; amniotic fluid present, and the head is well-felt the patient&;s obstetrician, you offer all the following possible mgmt plans except

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