A 3 year old child is expected to have all except ?
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Hobble 5 steps
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Hobble 5 steps o Milestone development is a very impoant topic. Here I am explaning in details so that you will be able to solve all the questions on this topic. Age Milestone 1 month In ventral suspension, stas lifting his head. In prone position lifts the chinup momentarily in midline. Turns head to sound Regards a lighted torch or the face of mother. 2 months In ventral suspension, lifts his head in the horizontal plane (in the plane of the body) Social smile develops Follows object with steady movements of eye. 3 months In ventral suspension lifts his head above horizontal plance (Neck holding) In prone position lifts his head and upper pa of forearms. Stas cooing Recognizes mother Can follow an object upto 180deg 4 months Grasps rattle or rings when placed in hand and bring it to the mouth (mouthing). Can bear some weight of body with straight legs in the mother's lap. 5 months Gains control of head in supine position. Sits with suppo Reaches out to an object and holds it with both hands (bidextrous grasp). Turns from back to side Transfer the objects from one hand to another (between 5-7 months). 6 months In prone position lifts his head and greater pa of his chest while suppoing weight on extended arms. Produces monosyllable sounds like da, ma. Enjoys watching his own image in the mirror. Binocular vision develops (between 3-6 months). 7 months Holds the objects with crude grasp from palm (palmar grasp) Pivots Shows strangers anxiety Resists if a toy is pulled from his hand. Babbles 8 months Rolls from back to stomach and from stomach to back. Crawls in the bed. Sits without suppo 9 months Stand with suppo Makes early stepping movements when feet are placed on the surface of the table. Develops Pincer grasp with the index finger and thumb apposition. Develops finer and more Cooridinated hand skills ---> Can scoop on a pellet crudely with his palm. Waves bye-bye Produces bisyllable sound like baba, mama. 10 months Crawls and creeps, keeping his abdomen off the ground. Can pull himself up from the supine to sitting position. Walks with suppo Can understand spoken speech e.g., where is the light. Plays peek-a-boo game. Can be placed on the toilet seat. 1 year Stands without suppo Tries to feed himself with a spoon but spills the contents. Tries to remove his coat and attempts to wear his socks or shoes without success. Does mimicry. Plays a simple ball game. Can use 2 words with meaning. Tries to build a Tower of 2 cubes. Tries to scribble spontaneously (between 12-24 months). 13 months Walking without suppo Can turn two or three pages of a book at a time. 15 months Can take several steps sideways and takes a few steps backward. Creeping upstairs Can walk to the toilet (between 15-16 months). Learns to feed himself with spoon without spilling its contents. Makes a tower of 3 cubes. Vocabulary of 4 to 6 words Enjoy polysyllabic jargoning 18 months Stas running (runs stiffy) Can feed himself from a cup. Can use 10 words with meaning. o Name pictures Builds tower of 4 cubes Ready for staing toilet training. Copies parents in task. 2 years Walking up and downstairs, one step at a time i.e., brings both his feet up on one step before climbing to the next step. Can turn pages of book one at a time. Draws a veical or horizontal line. Is able to wear socks or shoes. Kicks ball on request Jumps of the floor with both feet. Builds tower of 7 cubes. Makes simple sentences and uses pronouns. Is trainable for toilet and verbalizes toilet needs. Can unscrew lids and turn door knobs. Points 3-4 body pas. 30 months Climbs stairs alternating feet. Makes tower of 9 cubes. Refers to self as 'I' and knows full name. 3 years Rides tricycle Stands momentarily on one foot. Draws a circle. Can dress or undress himself completely and succesfully buckles his shoes. Builds tower of 10 cubes. Knows his gender and age. Repeats a sentence of 6 syllables. Has a vocabulary of 250 words. Counts 3 objects correctly. Can withhold and postpone bowel movement. 4 years Hops on one foot Goes down stairs with alternating feet. Draws a cross (plus sign) Draws a rectangle Tells a story Counts 4 pennies accurately. Can identify left and right (left-right discrimination) 5 years Draws a tilted corss (multiplication sign) Draws a triangle Skips Name 4 colors Counts 10 pennies correctly Milestone
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