A 27 years old pregnant lady comes with severe jaundice and altered sensorium. On examination, the patient is deeply icteric, not responding to commands and pelvic sonogram reveals intrauterine fetal death. Serum bilirubin levels are 28.8 mg/dL (direct = 18.6 mg/dL), AST levels are 1063 and ALT levels are 1191. The viral markers are as follows. What is the likely diagnosis?Anti-HAV IgGReactiveAnti-HAV IgMNonreactiveHbSAgNon reactiveAnti-HbSAgNonreactiveAnti-HBc IgMNonreactiveAnti-HBc IgGReactiveAnti-HCV IgGNonreactiveAnti-HEV IgMReactiveAnti-HEV IgGNon reactive

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